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Ausbildung mit dem ECKOLD Handformer an der BBS II Osterode - Berufsfachschule Metall

Sometimes good things are close by


We have long-standing relations with the BBS II vocational schools in Osterode, and the cooperation receives fresh impetus at regular intervals. The most recent example is the delivery of metal-forming machines together with exchangeable tools. One might wonder if that is really so special. Those involved think so, because firstly ECKOLD is the world market leader in this area, and secondly is located just around the corner. This means that the school has been able to make regional purchases. Another positive aspect of the close proximity is the application support and training provided by the company. For decades, machine tool operators and apprentices in other occupations at ECKOLD have attended the vocational school in Osterode, where they experienced the beginning of their professional career. Of course, that is still a starting point for finding an apprenticeship or a job in the region. The best example is the instructor Andreas Geppert, who was introduced to ECKOLD products during his apprenticeship at the school in 1984. As at that time, the machines are still used in automotive metalworking and body construction.



Today the school teaches the material of the first apprenticeship year in a one-year vocational course, so that the students receive a basic understanding of metalworking technology. “This serves as career orientation, as well as preparation for an apprenticeship in metalworking fields such as automotive mechatronics, industrial mechanics or machine tools. But this vocational school is also ideal for students who want to pursue a commercial/technical apprenticeship”, according to an information sheet from the school.


In practice, the students then learn all about metal materials and their very diverse characteristics. One goal of the practical training is to produce objects that are useful in everyday life. Under the supervision of a specialist, students can create candlesticks, speaker boxes, dustpans, car rails, or even a grill. Many of the countless small processing steps require not only a fine sense of precision, but also the use of machines. And this is where the versatility of ECKOLD machines comes into play.



Safety regulations made it necessary to procure replacements for outdated equipment, according to deputy head teacher and department head Jan Kirsten. In applications that require stretching and shrinking, creasing and cutting, or joining of sheet metal and profiles, ECKOLD forming tools are the first choice. The hand and power formers feature user-friendly operation and a robust design. These tools and machines, with their exchangeable tool inserts that make them extremely versatile, are especially suitable for the diverse challenges of teaching. The entry-level models are often sufficient, although many training centres are also equipped with the larger units.


For a detailed user report and a short video, please visit our training centre page.





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